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  • Anapol Weiss Honors Late Employee’s Memory

    Feb 12, 2020

    Anapol Weiss was proud to donate to the Pancreatic Cancer HOPE Fund in loving memory of our late employee, Janet Campellone. Janet was a treasured team member for over 25 years and tragically passed away from pancreatic cancer last year. The firm’s donation to Penn Medicine Abramson Cancer Center will contribute to pancreatic cancer research in the hope of finding a cure. The Abramson Cancer Center is a global leader in cancer research, education and...
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  • Miriam Barish Featured in Super Lawyers Magazine

    Jan 30, 2020

    Miriam Barish, Partner at the law firm of Anapol Weiss, has created a unique specialization for herself in protecting the rights of women. She was featured in Super Lawyer’s 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers Magazine detailing a harrowing incident involving the assault of two women, one of whom died. The survivor and grieving family of the deceased woman chose Miriam Barish to represent their case. “I think the living victim was comfortable sharing this horror story, these...
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  • Joel Feldman Speaks to High Schoolers About Vaping Dangers

    Jan 28, 2020

    Joel D. Feldman, Shareholder at the Law Firm of Anapol Weiss, gave interactive presentations to students at Cherry Creek High School in Denver, Colorado last week. Eight health classes and 325 kids later, Joel left the high school having informed 9th and 10th grade students about the real, tangible dangers of vaping. It is common knowledge that vape pods contain nicotine, an addictive drug especially harmful to the developing teenage brain. However, many were unaware...
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  • Sol Weiss Panel Speaker at Villanova Law

    Jan 17, 2020

    Shareholder Sol H. Weiss participated at the annual three-day 2L business seminar at the Charles Widger Villanova School of Law. He discussed the business side of a contingency fee-based personal injury practice. Sol has been an active member of the Board of Consulters for Villanova Law for 30 years, and presently serves as the Chair. Sol expressed how he is continuously impressed by each new crop of future lawyers he meets. “Each year I find the...
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  • James Ronca and Ryan Hurd Featured in The Legal Intelligencer with Commentary on Collision Avoidance Systems Liability

    Jan 15, 2020

    Shareholder James R. Ronca and Partner Ryan D. Hurd of Anapol Weiss co-authored an article published in The Legal Intelligencer on January 15, 2020 titled, Liability for Failure to Include Collision Avoidance Systems. Ronca and Hurd argue that safety should not be optional for motor vehicles, and statistics show that safety systems in cars, trucks and tractor-trailers save lives. Ronca and Hurd explain the history of safety systems and laws for motor vehicles, beginning seventy years...
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  • Tracy Finken on PHL17: Juul and the Emerging Vaping Public Health Crisis

    Jan 13, 2020

    Anapol Weiss Shareholder and Attorney Tracy Finken was a guest on PHL17 Morning News January 10, 2020 to discuss the legal implications of vaping injuries. Tracy also shared the initiative launched by Anapol Weiss in 2019. A dangerous trend that has gained popularity with minors, vaping is considered by many to be an epidemic. Tracy Finken, an expert in pharmaceutical law, is on the forefront of representing individuals who are addicted to Juul and various...
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  • Attorney Tracy A. Finken Interviewed by NBC News on Dangers of Vaping

    Dec 26, 2019

    Attorney Tracy A. Finken was interviewed by NBC 10 Philadelphia. Anapol Weiss Shareholder Tracy Finken joined Rosemary Connor of NBC10 Philadelphia for a segment on the vaping epidemic that ran Sunday, December 23. Tracy Finken represents a client whose thirteen-year-old son is now addicted to nicotine due to Juul vaping. As a mother of four, Tracy knows first-hand how prevalent the use of e-cigarettes is in schools—and how terrifying that is for parents. “We made great strides in...
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  • Yahoo Finance Interview of Tracy Finken about Vaping

    Nov 19, 2019

    To view Tracy’s interview on Yahoo Finance please click here...
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  • Electronic Cigarette or Vaping-associated Lung Injury (EVALI): The Tip of the Iceberg

    Nov 2, 2019

    Several authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and state and local health departments, have started an investigation into the perceived widespread outbreak of lung injury attributed to the use of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or vaping products, or EVALI. To read more click here. ...
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  • E-cigarette Maker Juul Sued by PA. Family over 13-Year-Old’s Nicotine Addiction

    Oct 23, 2019

    A Lehigh County family is suing e-cigarette maker Juul after their 13-year-old son became addicted to nicotine from vaping. The family, whose names were withheld in the complaint to protect the child’s privacy, alleges that Juul designed its e-cigarettes to be addictive and marketed them in ways intended to appeal to youth, which led to their middle-school-age son’s addiction. To read additional information click here...
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