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Blog: Mass Torts

  • Doctors Have Identified a New Vaping Lung Injury

    Feb 19, 2020

    A new lung injury associated with vaping has been identified by the doctors of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Acute Fibrinous Organizing Pneumonia (AFOP) is a special histological pattern in acute respiratory failure with high mortality. It is described as a “newly evolving, rare lung pathology within the field of pulmonology.” A recently published report discusses the case of an asthmatic teenage boy who heavily smoked mango and mint flavored JUUL, as well as some...
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    Aug 9, 2018

    On July 30, 2018, the FDA issued a warning against the use of energy-based (most commonly radiofrequency or laser) devices utilized to perform vaginal rejuvenation procedures. These devices have been approved by the FDA for gynecological purposes such as the destruction of abnormal or pre-cancerous cervical or vaginal tissue and genital warts. However, several manufacturers of these devices have been aggressively marketing them to women for uses which are not approved by the FDA nor...
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  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturers Must Warn Doctors and Patients of Their Products’ Risks

    Mar 8, 2018

    By: Gregory Spizer Prescription medications and medical devices have saved, prolonged and/or improved lives. In many instances, these products have been of great benefit to millions. However, all of these products also have side effects which can be fatal or disabling. For this reason, the law requires that pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers warn doctors and patients of their products’ risks. If they fail to do so, they can be liable and those impacted may be...
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  • It’s Flu Season Get Your Vaccine! But Be Aware: You Are Entitled to Compensation if You Have Bad Reaction

    Feb 7, 2018

    The simple reality is, everyone needs to get their vaccines. Unfortunately, a small percentage of vaccine recipients will suffer a reaction—sometimes disabling or even fatal. In 1988, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Vaccine Act) created the VICP to ensure the production of an adequate number of vaccines, stabilization of vaccine costs, and creation of a forum for people injured by certain vaccines. There are several main players in the VICP. Injured parties are known...
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  • Does Your Talcum Powder Cause Cancer?

    Oct 3, 2016

    According to recent reports, women are increasingly limiting their use of talcum powder products such as Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder and Shower to Shower after a connection was found between the products and ovarian cancer. An increasing number of women are pursuing legal action against the manufacturers. Research dating back to 1971 found traces of talc in ovarian and cervical tumors. And, since then, according to the New York Times, “numerous studies have linked genital...
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  • Victims of Defective Products Deserve Justice

    Sep 2, 2016

    When it comes to defective products and manufacturing defects, it doesn’t matter whether it’s something as big as a truck or as small as a child’s toy, the manufacturer should be held accountable. Unfortunately, a lot of people who have been harmed by defective products are under the impression that only expensive, non-performing products can form the basis of a class action, but that is not the case. Even inexpensive products should perform as advertised with...
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  • Risk Factors and Medical Negligence that Can Cause Macrosomic Complications

    Jun 7, 2016

    Macrosomic babies, or babies that are “large for gestational age,” have a birth weight of over 4,000 grams (8 lb 13 oz). Approximately nine percent of babies are born macrosomic. Macrosomia can lead to severe complications during pregnancy including shoulder dystocia and ensuing brachial plexus injuries, oxygen deprivation and brain damage, lacerations of the birth canal, uterine rupture, and urinary incontinence. Babies born at weights over 4,500 grams (9 lb 15 oz) are at an even...
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  • Transverse Myelitis: A Rare but Serious Vaccine Injury

    Jun 2, 2016

    Transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord. People with the condition can suffer lifelong, debilitating and complications. As a rare vaccine side effect, transverse myelitis develops unexpectedly, often beginning as an onset of lower back pain or muscle weakness. Symptoms can quickly progress to paralysis, urinary retention and loss of bowel control. It’s rare to develop transverse myelitis as an adverse reaction to a vaccine, but the condition can leave...
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  • 5 Things to Know About Working with A Vaccine Lawyer and VICP Claims

    May 31, 2016

    Vaccinations save lives and prevent dangerous diseases, but children and adults can suffer severe and permanent adverse reactions in very rare cases. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about working with a vaccine lawyer, obtaining compensation for injuries, and more. How do I receive compensation for an adverse vaccine reaction? The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a federal program set up to compensate people injured by certain vaccines. A claim can be filed...
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  • 8 Rare but Severe Vaccine Injuries and Reactions

    May 25, 2016

    If you developed an adverse reaction to a vaccine, you may be entitled to compensation that the government has set aside specifically for rare but severe vaccine injuries. Below are some of the rare reactions adults and children have developed after receiving a vaccination. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a neurological disorder that causes a sudden inflammatory attack on the brain and spinal cord. In some cases, the condition can be life-threatening or cause mild motor deficits,...
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