It’s painful to think that a loved one could be suffering from pain at the hands of his or her caregiver. Unfortunately, a staggering number of abuse, neglect and exploitation cases go undetected each year despite mandatory elder abuse reporting laws in most states.
An intentional act by a caregiver or another trusted person that harms or creates a risk of harm to an elderly person is considered elder abuse. Elder abuse can take many forms, including:
Physical: Harming a victim by physical force
Emotional: Causing a victim to suffer emotional distress
Sexual: Forcing non-consensual sexual contact with a victim
Financial: Stealing money, valuable information and/or personal property
Personal injury attorney Shayna Slater helped represent the families of three nursing home patients who were physically, sexually and emotionally abused by a nursing assistant at the Kindred Health Care Franklin Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility in Massachusetts.
While working as an associate at a Massachusetts law firm, Shayna assisted in obtaining justice and confidential settlements for those victims.
Getting Answers
Anapol Weiss represents patients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey who have been abused in nursing homes and other managed care facilities. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing victims and their families with the help they need to get answers and seek justice for abuse, neglect and mistreatment.
Contact our firm for assistance if you suspect your loved one is being harmed in a nursing home. We can investigate the situation and answer any questions you may have.