- What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault
Oct 9, 2020
Knowing what to do after a car accident that’s not your fault is an important part of any driver’s education. When an accident happens, it’s common to feel scared, relieved, and shaken up. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do when someone hits your car, how to protect your rights to compensation, and what your legal obligation is before an accident occurs. By preparing for the worst, you’re ready to tackle it...Read More - Does Juul Cause Popcorn Lung? Experts Weigh In on Potential Risks to Your Health and Safety
Oct 5, 2020
Juul popcorn lung complaints are becoming increasingly common, but are they valid? As the number of vape users increases and time passes, the amount of research into the potential long-term health effects of vaping is growing along with them. While vaping remains popular, it’s important for users to understand the risks they’re taking as well as the risks manufacturers are passing onto them through untried formulations, inconsistent production methods, and what has been, until recently,...Read More - Hand Sanitizer Safety Check
Sep 16, 2020
Is your hand sanitizer safe? In the post-COVID-19 world, the use of and demand for hand sanitizer has skyrocketed. This demand has led to some loosening of regulation around hand sanitizer that the common consumer should be aware of in order to make informed and healthy decisions. The FDA relaxed regulations over acceptable ingredients to be used in hand sanitizer to help combat the global shortage. Organizations that compound hand sanitizer have more flexibility over the...Read More - Truck and Pedestrian Accidents: Common Causes, Claims, and Guide to Settlements
Sep 1, 2020
Truck versus pedestrian accidents can be some of the most tragic and dangerous motor vehicle accidents. Due to the massive size of commercial vehicles, a pedestrian hit by a semi will almost certainly be seriously injured and possibly killed. A personal injury claim can help you get the resources you need to put your life back together after a pedestrian is hit by a truck, but the process can take time and requires the guidance...Read More - Accidents Caused by Truck Drivers Falling Asleep
Sep 1, 2020
When a truck driver falls asleep at the wheel the damage to property and lives can be catastrophic. Commercial vehicles can weigh up to 80,000 lbs., and once that amount of weight is moving, it’s hard to stop its momentum. Losing control of a semi-truck in a falling-asleep-while-driving accident often ends in a tragedy that is entirely avoidable. Unfortunately, they are an all-too-common occurrence. The Danger Of Driving Fatigue Driving fatigue can happen anytime to any driver,...Read More - What Your Personal Injury Demand Letter Should Look Like – With A Demand Letter Sample
Aug 26, 2020
A personal injury demand letter notifies a party that you are seeking damages in relation to an injury and starts the process of negotiation a potential settlement. A demand letter that’s well constructed and presents your damages and case in a professional manner can set the stage for a quick settlement process, but a poorly thought-out or laid-out demand letter to an insurance company for a personal injury may actually harm your case. Let’s look...Read More - What is Comparative Negligence in Pennsylvania?
Aug 7, 2020
Pure comparative negligence is what makes receiving a damage settlement for a personal injury in Pennsylvania possible, even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Not all accidents are simple, two-party cases, with one party injured through no fault of their own and the other party solely responsible. Comparative negligence is a method of determining who shares responsibility in the case of an accident, how much, and how that affects compensation for the victims...Read More - Truck and Car Accident Guide: Common Causes, Claims, and Settlements Explained
Aug 7, 2020
Truck and car accidents can be some of the most costly wrecks in terms of both property damage and the potential for life-changing injuries. When a truck vs. car crash occurs, it may not only leave you in physical pain but also struggling financially. As medical bills pile up, loss of income can take its toll, even as you struggle to rebuild your life. With the help of an experienced Philadelphia personal injury attorney, you...Read More - The 7 Most Common Medical Errors Explained
Aug 6, 2020
Medical errors can cost you your health, additional medical expenses, and even your life. We trust the health care practitioners and facilities we use to help us feel better, and a preventable medical mistake is a violation of that trust. From shaking your faith in the system to damaging the health of you or a loved one, the fall out from a medical error is life-changing. With help from an experienced medical malpractice attorney, you...Read More - Cement Truck Accident Guide: Common Causes, Claims Processes, and Settlements Explained
Jul 31, 2020
A cement truck accident can be devastating, resulting in property damage, injuries, and even loss of life. Cement truck accidents are more common than many people think, in large part because they so often find themselves sharing city roads with personal vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Due to their large size and heavy weight, concrete truck accidents, on or off the construction site, can be catastrophic, but they’re all the more tragic because, too often, these...Read More