- April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Apr 6, 2016
April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and a great time to underscore the staggering statistics associated with distracted driving in the United States. More than 3,000 people were killed and 431,000 were injured in auto accidents involving distracted drivers in 2014 alone. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 10 percent of all drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 who were involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the...Read More - What Role Does Informed Consent Play in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
Apr 5, 2016
Informed consent refers to the agreement established that patients have been fully informed by their doctor about a medical procedure’s potential risks. Patients are often asked to sign a consent form before undergoing a medical procedure. However, these forms alone do not necessarily prove that a person gave informed consent. Doctors have a duty to provide their patients with essential information that will help them make informed choices about their medical care. If a patient is...Read More - Can Nurses be Held Liable in Medical Malpractice Cases?
Apr 5, 2016
A mistake made by any medical professional can result in death or injury. Nurses often have a great deal of responsibility for their patients. A nurse must provide appropriate and proper care to his or per patient. Nursing malpractice occurs when a nurse fails to meet the standard of care that a competent nurse under the same circumstances would meet, and those negligent actions led to patient harm. Nursing Malpractice May Involve: Failure to take appropriate immediate steps...Read More - Car Accidents: What if The Police Report Is Wrong?
Apr 4, 2016
Police reports can be a great benefit to motor vehicle crash victims, as they authoritatively describe the accident scene. In addition to documenting the parties involved, a police report will likely provide information about vehicle damage, injuries, and how the accident may have happened. If a person files an insurance claim or car accident lawsuit, the police report is one of the first pieces of documentary evidence that attorneys and insurance adjusters will review. While it’s...Read More - Can I File Suit Against a Physician for a Medical Misdiagnosis?
Apr 1, 2016
Patients can suffer permanent health consequences when a health care professional fails to make a timely and accurate diagnosis of a medical condition. Below are a few important questions and answers about misdiagnosis and filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. When is a Misdiagnosis Considered Malpractice? A patient’s lawyer must establish four elements in order to bring a medical malpractice claim. First, the physician must have owed a legal duty to act with the same skill, care and...Read More - Understanding Product Liability: When is a Product Unavoidably Unsafe?
Apr 1, 2016
When a product that has been carefully designed, manufactured and marketed still injures someone, responsibility partially depends on whether the product qualifies as an “unavoidably unsafe product.” A product found to be unavoidably unsafe is not considered defective, even if it causes injury. Three factors can cause a product to be defective. These include: Design defect: the product’s design could cause injury, and an alternative design could have reduced the risk of injury Manufacturer defect: the product was...Read More - Acting as the Voice for Medical Misdiagnosis Victims
Mar 31, 2016
A study published in the British Medical Journal has estimated that one patient in 20 who visit outpatient settings are misdiagnosed every year. That’s about 12 million American adults who suffer the consequences of a delayed, missed or incorrect diagnosis. Half of those errors in diagnosis could lead to serious harm, and it’s unacceptable. The attorneys at Anapol Weiss have been the voice of many patients and their families whose lives were turned upside down because...Read More - Pennsylvania DOH Taking a Closer Look at Nursing Home Complaints
Mar 30, 2016
Do you know the signs of nursing home abuse? The Pennsylvania Department of Health is increasing enforcement of quality care issues in nursing homes following criticism that some residents in the state are not receiving adequate care. Last year, the state Health Department put twice as many nursing home licenses on provisional status, and it issued 32 fines – that’s triple the number of fines in 2014. In addition to recently adding state nursing home surveyors, the...Read More - Anapol Weiss Obtains $4 Million Medical Malpractice Verdict
Mar 28, 2016
Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are expected to provide the highest quality care during a mother’s pregnancy, labor, and delivery of her baby. Failure to do so can result in lifelong birth injuries. For decades, Anapol Weiss has been committed to successfully advocating and obtaining justice for families whose children were harmed during birth. Attorneys at Anapol Weiss obtained a $4 million medical malpractice lawsuit verdict for a mother and her baby who both...Read More - Will a Gap in Medical Treatment Affect Your Claim?
Mar 25, 2016
It’s important to seek medical help right away when you’re involved in a car accident – even if you don’t think you were seriously injured. Aside from the fact that the pain will likely increase in the coming days, having an official record of all car accident injuries is necessary when seeking compensation. Insurance adjusters will look for ways to devalue a person’s claim, and this begins with reviewing medical records to assess the documented injuries...Read More