- Macrosomic Complications Resulting in Birth Injuries
Jan 11, 2016
When diagnosed and treated appropriately, a macrosomic infant – one that weighs more than eight pounds, 15 ounces – can be delivered without problems. Failure to take appropriate action may result in macrosomic complications and lifelong consequences to both the mother and child. Macrosomic complications for the mother may include: Lacerations of the birth canal Uterine atony, which can cause serious bleeding after delivery Uterine rupture along the scar from a prior cesarean delivery Urinary or fecal incontinence For the newborn,...Read More - Medication Errors Resulting from Pharmacy Mistakes
Jan 8, 2016
Millions of people trust pharmacists every day to fill their medications, but adults and children have been killed by pharmacy errors after being sent home with the incorrect drug or dose. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are sometimes pressured to move quickly in order to fill a long list of prescriptions. Unfortunately, it’s the unsuspecting patients who suffer the consequences when pharmacy errors result from too much haste. Prescription Interaction Problems Interactions between medications can be dangerous and sometimes...Read More - Why Medication Errors Must be Reported
Jan 7, 2016
Medication error reporting is an important action to take when a person is injured as a result of a medical mistake. After victims and their families alert the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to the problem, they are urged to also protect their legal rights. Medication errors, according to the FDA, may involve: Incorrect procedures including prescribing errors Order miscommunications Product labeling or packaging errors Health care product defects Monitoring issues and more Between 2000 and 2009, the FDA received more...Read More - Medical Misdiagnosis of Cardiovascular Events
Jan 7, 2016
Cardiovascular health is a vital component to a person’s well-being. When a misdiagnosis results in death or permanent injury, however, patients endure unnecessary physical and emotional pain as well as unexpected medical bills. The repercussions of a medical misdiagnosis shouldn’t be their burden to bear. Patients and their families who are dealing with the devastation of a wrong, missed and delayed diagnosis, an experienced law firm can investigate their situation and maximize recovery. Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Someone in...Read More - Medication Errors are a Nationwide Problem
Jan 6, 2016
Medication errors can kill or severely injure a person. Even a simple medical mistake can have life-threatening consequences. About 82 percent of adults in the U.S. take at least one medication, and 29 percent take five or more, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Adverse drug events – meaning patient harm resulting from a medication – account for nearly 700,000 emergency department visits each year. Medication errors may occur as a result of: Incorrect...Read More - Sham Pricing Allegations at Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s Mirror Another Class Action
Jan 4, 2016
A proposed class action lawsuit involving Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s pricing highlights issues very similar to a lawsuit involving the clothing store Justice – a class action lawsuit that recently settled for $51 million. A complaint filed in California federal court this month claims that Macy’s and its owned affiliate Bloomingdale’s have falsely labeled items with prices well above the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). When an item goes on sale, the lawsuit alleges, the sale price...Read More - Prevent Automobile Accidents by Prepping for the Winter Driving Season
Jan 4, 2016
There are always dangers on the roadways, but traffic fatalities surge during this time of year as road conditions worsen. During winter driving season, all drivers should remember to exercise caution and prepare themselves and their cars for any potentially hazardous weather to come. CNN reported more than 7,600 people died in auto accidents in the U.S. during the first quarter of 2012. In addition, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated that drivers are...Read More - Driving Safety Tips for New Year’s Eve Travelers
Dec 31, 2015
Every year, holiday celebrations bring about increased congestion on the roads, and drivers must be even more diligent to stay safe and avoid car accidents. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimated last year that more than 400 deaths and 45,000 injuries requiring medical attention may occur during the New Year’s holiday season. To stay safe on the road this New Year’s Eve, the NSC offers the following tips: Buckle up during every trip. When driving, avoid using electronic...Read More - Class Action Proposed Against Department Stores for Deceptive Pricing
Dec 30, 2015
Macy’s Inc. and Bloomingdale’s Inc. are facing a proposed class action accusing them of misleading customers through deceptive pricing. The department stores have falsely priced items above the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) to reflect a bigger discount when the items go on sale, according to a complaint filed in California federal court. Plaintiffs allege the sham pricing involves stores regularly labeling their products with inflated and arbitrary prices and then reducing those prices to represent...Read More - Prevent Auto Accidents this New Year’s Eve
Dec 30, 2015
As another New Year’s Eve celebration approaches, it’s important to remember that irresponsible driving can lead to tragedy. December has been named National Impaired Driving Prevention Month to combat the staggering percentage of traffic fatalities involving drunk, drugged or distracted driving during the holidays. This awareness campaign provides a great reminder for drivers to think responsibly before getting behind the wheel this season. During Christmas and New Year’s holidays, two to three times more people die...Read More