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Philadelphia Physical Abuse Lawyers

Assault Injury Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA

Physical assault is unacceptable conduct. The pain and injuries you endured should never have happened. At Anapol Weiss, our mission as seasoned Philadelphia physical abuse lawyers is to defend the injured and make sure every party that bears responsibility for the harm you have been through faces the consequences.

The impact of abuse or assault on your life doesn’t end when the attack is over. In many ways, the full ramifications are only just beginning. The medical care you need imposes a heavy financial burden, and the damage you have sustained can keep you out of work, worsening these financial hardships. A civil claim for physical abuse offers legal recourse to the injured, allowing them to receive financial compensation for their injuries. Anapol Weiss is nationally recognized for our work representing abuse victims and holding accountable individual perpetrators and the institutions that enable them.

The time to take action is now, before the hardships imposed by your injuries get any worse and before legal deadlines that could restrict your right to seek compensation pass you by. We’re ready to stand with you, providing excellent legal representation at no upfront cost. For a free consultation, contact us today.

Understanding Physical Abuse Injury Claims in Philadelphia, PA

From singular instances of assault to long-term physical abuse, acts of violence can have lifelong impacts on victims. While reporting abuse and assault to the police offers one path toward justice, it may not be your only option.

Skilled Philadelphia physical abuse lawyers like Anapol Weiss can help you hold attackers and other parties, like institutions that negligently enable abuse to occur, liable for your injuries and other damages. We achieve significant payouts for our clients to make them financially whole and provide compensation for their losses.

Actions That Constitute Physical Abuse or Assault

Generally, physical abuse and assault both refer to the intentional infliction of bodily injury through some deliberate act of violence. Abuse tends to refer to a sustained pattern of mistreatment, while an assault is an action that, while serious, occurs in a more limited capacity.

Physical abuse and assault may encompass many of the same acts of violence, including:

  • Hitting
  • Punching
  • Slapping
  • Pinching
  • Pushing or shoving
  • Beating
  • Kicking
  • Throwing objects at a victim
  • Choking
  • Biting
  • Shaking
  • Burning
  • Inflicting injury with the use of a weapon
  • Inappropriately physically restraining a victim

Both long-term patterns of physical abuse and one-time assaults can provide grounds for a personal injury claim

Holding All Parties Liable for Physical Abuse and Assault

A civil claim allows you to hold a party legally and financially responsible for wrongful or negligent conduct. You may be able to seek compensation from the individual perpetrator of a criminal act of violence, although this defendant’s ability to pay your damages may not be assured.

You may also be able to pursue compensation from parties whose negligence provided an opportunity or environment for the criminal perpetrator to assault or abuse you.

The Philadelphia physical abuse lawyers at Anapol Weiss have a record of successfully helping injured victims seek compensation from parties like the following.

Property Owners

Property owners’ duties to visitors may go beyond avoiding slippery floors and tripping hazards to include a responsibility to provide reasonable security.

The level of security you can reasonably expect from a property owner can vary depending on the circumstances. Hotels, entertainment venues, and other such facilities may bear a greater level of responsibility for providing adequate security measures than the average private property owner holding a small get-together.

If you believe negligent security on the property allowed the criminal perpetrator to harm you, we can explore any options for legal recourse you may have against this party.

Residential Facilities

Unfortunately, people in residential facilities are often vulnerable to physical abuse at the hands of their caregivers or authority figures.

Examples of mistreatment that occurs in residential facilities include:

  • Abuse of the elderly in nursing homes and assisted living facilities
  • Abuse of vulnerable adults in group homes
  • Abuse of child or adult inmates in detention and correctional facilities
  • Abuse of patients in mental hospitals or in-patient facilities

Factors like improper hiring procedures, negligent supervision of staff, and policies and procedures that punish whistleblowers and protect perpetrators can contribute to the occurrence of physical abuse in residential facilities.


When the person who abused or assaulted you did so in the course of their employment—such as while they were on the clock, on their employer’s property, or through access to you obtained as part of their job—you may be able to hold the employer accountable. Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to pursue claims based on causes of action such as:

  • Negligent hiring or disciplinary practices
  • Lack of appropriate employee supervision
  • Inadequate security measures on company property

Suing an employer for physical abuse may also be possible when you were an employee assaulted or abused on the job, including by your superiors, colleagues, or customers.


When a school’s lack of supervision contributed to the assault or abuse you or your child suffered, you may have grounds to hold the institution accountable for its role in allowing this to happen. This may be the case if a school bully, a teacher, or another staff member perpetrated the abuse or if negligent school procedures and security measures enabled the assault to occur on school grounds.

How Anapol Weiss Can Help

Your ability to hold all parties accountable for the physical abuse you suffered depends on the specific facts of your situation and your choice of legal counsel. You need experienced Philadelphia physical abuse lawyers who are committed to fighting for you.

Types of Physical Abuse and Assaults Anapol Weiss Can Assist With

Anapole Weiss represents abuse victims in claims against negligent parties of all kinds. The claims we handle include:

  • Physical abuse in a nursing home
  • Abuse in residential facilities for vulnerable adults, patients, and inmates
  • Physical abuse at work
  • Criminal assaults perpetrated in workplaces, on school grounds, and at hotels and entertainment venues
  • Sporting event brawls
  • Bar fights
  • Bullying
  • Police misconduct
  • Sexual abuse and sexual assaults

Our assault injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, provide comprehensive assistance for the injured. Your case is unique, and we’ll develop a strategy that considers the specific facts and damages that set your claim apart.

Our Philadelphia Physical Abuse Lawyers’ Approach to the Legal Process

Holding perpetrators of assault and organizations that enable abuse liable for your injuries requires compelling arguments based on evidence. When we take on your case, one of our first priorities is to conduct an in-depth investigation into the crime against you. Using cutting-edge technologies and our extensive resources, we can undertake investigations that uncover all possible defendants and causes of action. We collect the evidence that establishes each party’s wrongful or negligent conduct.

Our team is also committed to maximizing your recovery by documenting the full scope of your damages. We analyze every aspect of the attack’s impact on your life and present medical records, expert witness testimony, and other evidence that establishes how significantly the abuse or assault has affected you. We take seriously our responsibility to secure a payout that makes you as financially whole as possible.

Why Choose Anapol Weiss?

For a claim arising out of physical abuse or assault, you need skilled, strong, compassionate legal representation. As a nationally recognized advocate for the injured, Anapol Weiss is the clear choice.

Dedication to Giving Victims a Voice in the Legal System

Physical abusers often try to silence their victims. At Anapol Weiss, we’re committed to giving you a voice. We don’t just handle your case. We champion your cause by holding every party that shares culpability for the attack against you legally and financially responsible. You can count on us to advocate tirelessly for you, your legal rights, and your best interests.

A History of Success Obtaining Billions of Dollars for Injured Clients

We get results. Our long history of securing significant recoveries for clients, including settlements and awards in the millions and even billions of dollars, speaks for itself. You can count on us to maximize your financial compensation through strategic arguments and diligent case preparation.

Compassionate, Client-Centered Approach

We never forget that the claims we handle are more than just cases. They’re the legal matters that result from a terrible, often terrifying experience. We know that the attack that left you injured is likely among the most difficult moments of your life, which is why we prioritize compassionate client service. We listen carefully to the full impact the assault has had on your life and seek to secure you compensation for everything you have lost. Throughout the legal process, we’re here for you.

Contact the Philadelphia Physical Abuse Lawyers at Anapol Weiss Today for a Free Case Review

True justice for physical abuse and assault encompasses more than criminal charges and potential jail time for the perpetrator. You should receive financial compensation for all of the harm you suffered physically, emotionally, and financially. All parties whose negligence allowed the abuse to occur should be held legally accountable. Our mission is to defend the injured, stand up for what’s right, and ensure justice is served to the fullest extent possible through the civil legal system.

For help from assault injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, contact Anapol Weiss online or call 215-608-9645 today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Physical Abuse Victim Injury Claims Claims in Philadelphia and Throughout Pennsylvania