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Zantac Lawsuit Lawyers

Zantac Injury Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA

The heartburn medication Zantac has been linked to numerous types of cancer. While both prescription and over-the-counter formulations of ranitidine have been pulled from the U.S. drug market, a recall doesn’t do enough to help those already harmed by the drug. If you or a loved one believe Zantac use may have caused cancer, you have the right to hold the manufacturer legally and financially accountable. The Zantac lawsuit lawyers at Anapol Weiss will pursue the maximum amount of compensation available to you.

Dangerous drugs put patients’ and consumers’ health and potentially their lives at risk. The manufacturers of these medications must be held accountable, and those harmed by these drugs deserve full compensation for their losses. Our team is standing by to protect your legal rights and prepare your case at no upfront cost. To get started with a free consultation, contact us today.

Zantac Lawsuit Claims in Philadelphia, PA

A lawsuit is your only option for holding pharmaceutical manufacturers accountable for the harm caused by prescription or over-the-counter Zantac.

Under Pennsylvania law, patients and consumers injured by pharmaceutical products can pursue a claim for financial compensation to cover their losses, including:

  • Costs of medical care, such as diagnostic tests, surgeries, chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatments, and other medical interventions
  • Projected costs of any future medical monitoring and treatments required because of your illness
  • Loss of income that results when you’re too sick to work or when you miss time at work for medical treatments
  • Any decline in future earning capacity due to long-term disabilities
  • The considerable pain and suffering that accompany a cancer battle, including the emotional distress and the physical pain and discomfort that results from the illness and your treatments
  • Scarring or disfigurement due to the illness or treatments for it, such as surgeries
  • Wrongful death damages, including funeral and burial costs, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium or companionship, for cases involving a cancer-related death

As experienced Zantac injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, Anapol Weiss is committed to advocating for every dollar of compensation available to our clients. We fight for your best interests, and that means the full amount of money your family is entitled to.

In 2019, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) first warned patients and healthcare professionals of the risk posed by the carcinogen NDMA in heartburn drug Zantac and its generic form, ranitidine. The federal agency conducted additional testing to determine the levels of NDMA and the scope of the problem. The FDA concluded its investigation in April 2020 with a request that all ranitidine drugs be removed from the market.

Ranitidine, sold under the popular brand name Zantac, was once one of the most widely used antacids in the United States. Zantac and its generic form, which could be prescribed or obtained over the counter, is a histamine-2 blocker that decreases the amount of acid in a patient’s stomach. As an H2 blocker, Zantac was generally used as a heartburn medication associated with stomach acid indigestion. Zantac had also been approved for the treatment and prevention of ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What Is NDMA?

NDMA is an organic chemical used in gasoline, rocket fuel, pesticides, and fish processing, as well as a lubricant additive and a stabilizer for industrial materials. The chemical has a long-established cancer-causing potential. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified NDMA as a carcinogen since the 1970s. The FDA, WHO, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency all agree that NDMA exposure increases cancer risk.

How Was NDMA Found in Zantac?

Ranitidine isn’t the only medication that has been found to contain NDMA. For example, in 2018, a drug manufacturer determined that some batches of the popular blood pressure medication Valsartan had become contaminated with unsafe levels of NDMA during the manufacturing process.

However, rather than concerns over just certain batches of the drug, the FDA found the health risks of all ranitidine products “unacceptable.” This determination, made following a months-long investigation, led the FDA to request in 2020 that all manufacturers of all forms of ranitidine products withdraw their products from the U.S. drug market.

The event that resulted in the FDA investigation and eventual removal of ranitidine from the market was the finding of unsafe levels of NDMA during independent testing by the online pharmacy Valisure. In September 2019, Valisure filed a Citizen Petition calling on the FDA to seek a market recall due to the significant risks associated with NDMA.

If you or your family member blames ranitidine for causing cancer, you have legal options. Numerous lawsuits are already proceeding against manufacturers of Zantac and generic formulations of ranitidine, alleging that these manufacturers intentionally concealed risks and knowingly manufactured and sold ranitidine products containing a probable carcinogen to millions of people.

Although the federal cases that were consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL) in 2022 were dismissed in 2024, cases are still proceeding at state levels, including in Pennsylvania. Our Zantac injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, can help you explore the avenues you could pursue, including an individual lawsuit or any MDL or class action claim that may potentially be available to you.

How Anapol Weiss Can Help

Patients and consumers who are injured by medications that contain carcinogens have a legal right to pursue compensation and hold drug makers accountable. To stand up to these corporations, you need experienced Zantac lawsuit lawyers like Anapol Weiss.

Our approach to each pharmaceutical liability claim includes:

  • A thorough review of the facts of your case during a complimentary consultation
  • An in-depth investigation of your claim using our full resources, including cutting-edge technology and collaboration with respected expert witnesses
  • Assistance with all aspects of the legal process, including initial claims filing, litigation filing, legal strategy development, case preparation, evidence presentation, documentation of damages, and representation in all legal proceedings
  • Efforts to attain the maximum payout possible through settlement negotiations or, if necessary, trial

Through our tireless work on behalf of our clients and our attention to detail, Anapol Weiss’s Zantac injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, regularly get results even in complex claims against major pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Why Choose Anapol Weiss?

You need Zantac lawsuit lawyers who are committed to standing up for what’s right and advocating for your rights and interests. Find out for yourself why victims throughout Philadelphia and beyond choose us to hold drug manufacturers and other defendants accountable for causing serious harm.

Commitment to Giving the Injured a Voice

It’s unconscionable for a company to knowingly market and produce a medication that contains unsafe levels of carcinogens, putting consumers’ health at risk. Yet that’s what the makers of ranitidine are alleged to have done. Anapol Weiss is dedicated to fighting for victims, helping them stand up to major companies, prove liability, and receive the compensation they deserve.

National Leadership in Mass Tort Cases

Anapol Weiss doesn’t just practice law. We’re steering the latest developments in the legal process through our active leadership roles in mass tort, class action, and product liability cases nationwide. Our attorneys have served in numerous leadership roles in MDL matters. Shareholder Tracy A. Finken Magnotta was appointed by the Honorable Robin Rosenberg of the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida as one of the Lead Counsels for the Zantac MDL. This experience helping spearhead the litigation of Zantac mass tort cases provides her with in-depth knowledge of the workings of ranitidine lawsuits.

Proven Results for Pharmaceutical Injury Claims

Among our billions of dollars of settlements, verdicts, and judgments are numerous high-value successes against the manufacturers of drugs and medical devices. These include a $4.85 billion payout by Merck & Co., Inc. for Vioxx litigation, a $3.75 billion result for Fen-Phen litigation, a $1.4 billion settlement involving Stryker hip implants, and a $205 million Pfizer Rezulin settlement, among others. Our track record of success testifies to our legal skills and our commitment to getting clients results.

Contact the Zantac Lawsuit Lawyers at Anapol Weiss Today for a Free Case Evaluation

Zantac lawsuits have been going on for some time now, but it’s still not too late to file your claim and hold manufacturers like Sanofi, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), and others accountable. All you need to do is have experienced attorneys evaluate your claim as part of a complimentary consultation. There’s no cost to move forward with a Zantac lawsuit with Anapol Weiss on your side.

For help from Zantac injury attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, contact Anapol Weiss online or call 215-608-9645 today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zantac Injury Lawsuits in Philadelphia and Throughout Pennsylvania