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Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers

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Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA Advocating for Patients Injured by Delayed Diagnoses, Medical Procedure Errors, Medical Facilities Errors, and Other Forms of Medical Negligence Throughout Philly

Medical malpractice is one of the most serious professional infractions possible. As patients, we all trust our doctors, surgeons, physicians, and caretakers with our lives. Any negligence of a healthcare professional or facility could result in serious patient injury or death. If you believe medical malpractice had something to do with your injuries or a loved one’s death, the Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Anapol Weiss can help you pursue answers, accountability, and compensation for your losses.

Anapol Weiss: A Medical Malpractice Law Firm That Fights to Get You the Compensation You Deserve

Anapol Weiss has represented victims of medical malpractice for more than 40 years. We can help you understand your rights during this difficult time.

Our firm has:

  • A team of prominent lawyers focused on your recovery
  • A history of thousands of successful cases in state and federal courts
  • Extensive experience in dozens of key personal injury case areas
  • The legal guidance you need right now at no upfront cost

Injured patients and families affected by medical malpractice need solid legal advice to rely on as they’re going through this difficult time. Choosing our experienced and award-winning medical malpractice attorneys in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, gives your family peace of mind throughout the claims process and the constant support of an advocate dedicated to your cause.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

Doctors and other healthcare workers are expected to follow accepted standards when administering patient care. This accepted set of standards is called the “standard of care.”

If a doctor treats a patient in a way that no other reasonable and competent doctor would, that deviation from the standard of care can constitute medical malpractice.

Negligent Actions and Inaction as Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice can occur due to both actions and omissions that fail to meet the accepted standards of care. The negligent action of botching a surgery can constitute medical malpractice, but so can inactions like failing to order medically indicated tests that other doctors would or neglecting to diagnose serious health conditions based on the patient’s test results.

Outcomes and Medical Negligence

An unfavorable outcome to a medical treatment or procedure doesn’t always mean that a doctor is guilty of medical malpractice. To determine whether malpractice occurred, you need to have experienced lawyers for medical negligence cases review the facts of your unique situation.

It’s possible for a treatment not to work, a rare disorder to not be diagnosed right away, or known complications of the medical intervention to arise even when a doctor or another healthcare professional’s actions completely align with the acceptable standard of care. With our experience, the Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Anapol Weiss can thoroughly assess the facts of your unique situation to identify any possible deviations from the standard of care.

Outcomes are important in medical malpractice lawsuits in Philadelphia. Medical negligence that occurs without leading to significant harm is still concerning and should be reported to the Pennsylvania Department of State (for individual providers) or the Pennsylvania Department of Health (for hospitals and other medical facilities). However, medical malpractice lawsuits require demonstrated harm that results from the doctor’s deviation from the standard of care.

How do you know if you have a medical malpractice case? Allow our medical malpractice attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, to listen to your story and review your medical records at no cost. We can identify possible deviations from the standard of care and assess whether you suffered harm that, in the eyes of the law, would be considered directly related and significantly severe enough to warrant a medical malpractice lawsuit that is likely to be successful.

A Medical Malpractice Law Firm That Fights to Get You The Compensation You Deserve

Lawyers Focused on Your Recovery

Thousands of Successful Cases in State and Federal Courts

Expertise in Dozens of Key Personal Injury Case Areas

The Consequences of Medical Malpractice

The harm that results from medical malpractice can be life-changing. It can affect you in physical, mental, emotional, and financial ways.

An injured patient may suffer temporary or permanent disabilities because of a physician’s malpractice. Medical malpractice may result in the worsening of a patient’s condition and, in some instances, can lead directly to an avoidable death.

After an act of medical negligence occurs, you may have the opportunity to bring a claim against a doctor, hospital, or other parties. A medical malpractice lawsuit won’t erase what happened to you, but it can make a significant impact on your ability to move forward. Having knowledgeable Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers fighting for you can help you hold negligent medical providers and facilities accountable and recover compensation that can make life after an accident easier.

Suing for Medical Malpractice in Philadelphia

The Pennsylvania court system gives injured parties a way to seek compensation for the harm they suffer due to medical malpractice on the part of any healthcare provider. Medical malpractice claims are the only way for you to fight for monetary compensation for the harms that resulted from medical negligence.

A medical malpractice claim or lawsuit is a civil legal action through which you can hold one or more involved parties accountable for your injuries and seek financial compensation.

Damages in Medical Malpractice Claims

Victims of medical malpractice are entitled to financial compensation for their physical injuries and other harms they sustained due to medical negligence. With the help of our seasoned Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers, you can seek monetary damages for harms and losses such as:

  • Medical costs, including hospital bills, treatment costs, and rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost wages due to missing work because of your injuries
  • Any projected future medical costs arising out of injuries with long-term repercussions
  • Diminished earning potential if the injury also affects your future ability to work
  • Pain and suffering and emotional distress

In the cases of wrongful death resulting from medical malpractice, funeral and burial expenses and the loss of your deceased loved one’s affection, guidance, support, and companionship

Proving Medical Malpractice in Philadelphia

To get the compensation you’re entitled to, you will need to go through a complex legal process. Proving medical malpractice for the purpose of recovering compensation can be difficult due to the need to establish the following elements:

  • The existence of a patient-doctor relationship: You must be able to prove that you visited with the doctor and received treatment in an official capacity that creates a patient-doctor relationship.
  • The provider’s duty of care to you: Next, you must establish that the doctor had a duty to act with reasonable care. This is the easiest step, because doctors have a duty of care to their patients and are expected to provide care in ways that align with the accepted standard of care.
  • A deviation from the standard of care: You must be able to show the court how the doctor broke this duty to act with a reasonable standard of care. This can be a specific action, such as a surgical error or medication error, or inaction, such as a failure to diagnose or warn the patient of a known risk of a treatment plan.
  • The damages that resulted directly from malpractice: Finally, you must prove your damages were the direct result of the doctor’s actions (or inaction). You can only sue for the injuries and damages that directly resulted from your interactions with the defendant.

Due to the extensive evidence required for a healthcare negligence claim, medical malpractice cases can quickly spiral into complex affairs. You need to provide evidence in support of your claim of medical negligence, including expert testimony from other doctors as to how your provider deviated from the standard of care.

This isn’t the kind of claim you should attempt to handle on your own. Success in a medical malpractice lawsuit often requires professional legal knowledge and aggressive strategies. At Anapol Weiss, our team of award-winning Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys will work tirelessly to help you bring the negligent healthcare provider or facility to justice.

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Curious if You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice takes many forms. The cases the Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers at Anapol Weiss handle often involve one or more of the following forms of negligence on the part of a physician or another healthcare professional:

  • Delayed diagnosis or missed diagnosis: Doctors must be able to accurately determine a patient’s health status and do so in a timely manner. Failing to diagnose patients’ medical conditions promptly when a similarly skilled healthcare provider adhering to the acceptable standard of care would have done so is a serious form of negligence.
  • Improper treatment: Doctors develop treatment plans that follow ongoing research concerning the medical conditions they treat. Even the most well-studied treatments aren’t guaranteed to work for all patients. However, any failure of your provider’s to adhere to the standard of care in regards to prescribing or carrying out your treatment can lead to worsening of your health and constitute medical malpractice.
  • Failure to establish informed consent: Informed consent means that a patient has been fully informed about the risks of a prescribed treatment plan. If a doctor fails to warn a patient about a specific risk or a potential complication with an existing condition, that doctor is effectively preventing the patient from being able to make an informed decision about their medical care.
  • Gross negligence: Extreme cases of gross negligence are rare in medicine but encompass mistakes that even non-medically trained individuals would not make and that, often, result in the provider losing their license to practice medicine. Examples of gross negligence include operating on the wrong side of the body or amputating the wrong limb.

Doctors and medical professionals are responsible for the well-being of the patients in their care and have a duty to do no harm. When healthcare professionals fail in this duty and make an egregious or damaging medical error during the course of any treatment, injured patients and their families have a right to hold them legally and financially responsible for the harm.

Medical Negligence Cases Anapol Weiss Can Assist You With

If you believe you have suffered new or worsening injury or illness due to medical malpractice, it is imperative to connect with established, reliable, experienced Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers.

Anapol Weiss has extensive experience gathering evidence in support of our clients’ medical malpractice claims and proving the negligence of healthcare professionals who fail to care for patients appropriately. The kinds of medical malpractice cases we handle for you include:

  • Failure to diagnose: A delayed or missed diagnosis that arises out of medical malpractice can prolong patients’ suffering and leave them susceptible to more severe conditions. Failure to diagnose cases include missed or delayed diagnoses of heart attack, stroke, meningitis, skin cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer, among many other conditions.
  • Medical misdiagnosis: A misdiagnosis fails to address the patient’s true health issues, potentially allowing them to continue causing suffering or even get worse. Meanwhile, treating a condition that the patient doesn’t actually have can put them at risk of side effects and complications with no medical benefits. When misdiagnosis results due to a deviation from the standard of care, patients harmed by the misdiagnosis may be able to file a malpractice lawsuit.
  • Medical Facility Errors: Mistakes occur in medical facilities of all kinds, from major hospitals to small local clinics. Our medical malpractice attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, have extensive experience assisting injured patients with claims involving hospital malpractice, surgery center errors, emergency room mistakes, operating room errors, and PACU (recovery room) errors.
  • Medical procedure errors: Improperly performed medical procedures of all kinds can cause significant harm to patients. Examples of the kinds of medical procedure error claims Anapol Weiss can assist you with include gastric bypass malpractice, intubation tube errors, radiation errors, and preventable instances of brain hypoxia that occur during surgery, childbirth, and other negligently performed medical interventions.
  • Surgical errors: Due to the significant effects of surgery on the body, errors related to surgical procedures have an even greater potential to cause harm. Our team of Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers represents clients in cases involving orthopedic surgery errors, brain surgery errors, and plastic surgery errors, among others.
  • Anesthesia errors: Anesthesia refers to the medicines used in healthcare to relieve pain and put patients under sedation to allow for medical tests and treatments, such as surgery. Mistakes in administering anesthesia, monitoring a patient under anesthesia, or choosing the appropriate medicines and dosages for the patient can lead to serious consequences.
  • Medication and prescription errors: Prescribing, dispensing, or administering the wrong medication or dosage can constitute medical malpractice. Instances of medical negligence that involve prescription errors can include prescribing medications that are contraindicated due to the patient’s health history, other medications, or allergies, as well as prescribing dangerously high doses of a drug that can lead to harmful overdoses.
  • Birth injuries: Even with modern science, childbirth remains a potentially dangerous event. When failures to adhere to the accepted standard of care cause harm to the baby (or, potentially, the mother), it may be possible to hold medical providers accountable. Examples of potential birth injury claims include failure to diagnose gestational diabetes, failure to diagnose fetal distress, brachial plexus injuries, shoulder dystocia, Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, severe jaundice, and kernicterus.
  • Wrongful death: Tragically, the consequences of some medical errors cause patients harm that claims their lives. A botched, seemingly routine surgery may suddenly cause a patient’s death. The failure to diagnose cancer until it progresses to an advanced stage may make treatment more difficult and less likely to be successful, ultimately leading to the patient’s demise. Families may be able to hold negligent medical professionals accountable through a wrongful death lawsuit.

Our team focuses on maximizing our clients’ recovery and helping them move forward with life after medical malpractice. No matter what type of medical malpractice is involved in your case, we tirelessly pursue the results you deserve.

Why Choose Anapol Weiss

There may be many medical malpractice attorneys in Philadelphia to choose from, but only one firm has the accolades, years of experience, and history of success that makes Anapol Weiss’s name known throughout the Philadelphia region and all over the country.

Our award-winning Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers have obtained billions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients. We’ve gone up against major corporations, hospitals, and insurance companies in and out of the courtroom.

When you choose Anapol Weiss, you can count on us to fight fiercely to protect your rights and demand the compensation you deserve. Our medical malpractice attorneys believe it is our duty to stand up for those who have suffered harm due to someone else’s negligence, and we advocate just as tirelessly for you whether the defendant is a major Philadelphia hospital or a private practitioner.

When to Get a Lawyer for Medical Malpractice

As soon as you suspect medical malpractice contributed to your injuries, come speak with our top-rated attorneys.

It takes time to thoroughly investigate a potential medical malpractice claim, secure the testimony of medical experts that is needed to support your claim, and prepare your case for the legal process. There are deadlines to meet and legal documents to file.

The sooner you speak to an attorney at Anapol Weiss regarding your potential medical malpractice case, the better your odds of receiving compensation.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Anapol Weiss

Put your case in the hands of Anapol Weiss, the Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys who care. Our team knows Pennsylvania’s laws inside and out and understands what it takes to bring a successful claim in civil court in Philadelphia.

From the initial filing of the claim to the final verdict, our lawyers will be with you and your family every step of the way. We’ll never leave you in the dark about the status of your case, and we will answer all your questions honestly.

Speak with us during a free consultation and see how we can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice Claims in Philadelphia